Monday, 20 June 2016

Getting the best effective home remedies for constipation and hemorrhoids

Many of us tend to suffer from constipation and it caused hard stool to assemble in our colon and it prevents us from relieving ourselves in time. This causes the stomach to engorge quite a bit and causes discomfort and sharp pain which can be traumatizing in cases. While the hard stool does pass in due time, it causes damage to the anal region and might tear up the skin and mucosa of the region. If you want to get home relief then here are some highly effective tips that you can follow at home to deal with the pain and uncomfortable sensations and even deal with the problem permanently. 

To find solutions to our problem we must first understand what Hemorrhoidsare. They are dilated veins that often get inflamed or infected making them highly engorged and cause uncomfortable sensations that can stretch the anal tissues and tear the mucosa extensively. Prolonged instances of these medical conditions can cause a lot of pain and you should take proper care to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids as much as possible.

constipation and hemorrhoids

Home remedies for constipation

Fiber: You should try to include as much fiber as possible in all your meals to stimulate your bowels and make them work better and empty in time. Food sources that are rich in fiber include corn cereals, corn bread, fruits and vegetables. Including them in your diet can significantly help with Leanclean-constipation and hemorrhoids.

Fat: It might sound counter intuitive but you also need to have fats in your food for proper digestion. We do not mean unhealthy food but good fats that your body needs to maintain proper functioning and bowel movement. Some of the best sources of good fat include rape oil, canola, and even nuts like almond. Make sure that you do not consume them in high quantities else you will have loose bowel movement which can be detrimental to health. 

Hydration: You need to have enough water as keeping your body hydrated allows the stool to become a whole lot softer and it also aids in the digestion process. If you live in hot and humid areas then you are more likely to suffer from stomach problems, making the need for consuming large amounts of water a lot more important. 

Regular eating habits: Make sure that you are regular with your meals and you should always have your food in time. Having disruptions in your eating schedule can be detrimental to your digestive system. Do not overfill your stomach ever to make sure that your digestive system works properly. It is preferable to have multiple small meals instead of one large meal. 

constipation and hemorrhoids

Linen seeds: Try to take two tablespoons of linen seed every day to help loosen up the stomach content from time to day. Having them twice a week is good enough to keep your digestive system up and running properly. 

Outside all of these simple tips that you can follow you should also exercise as often as possible to keep your fitness levels high and get the best possible metabolism rates for your body.